Edited by Don Martin and Val Innes, 2020
Together We Stand: Queer Elders Speak Out is a collection of memoir, poetry, playwriting, graphic stories, travel tales, and political action stories from the experiences of 21 LGBTQ2S+ elders. Most of us have been political and cultural activists since the 1960s and ’70s and continue to advocate for justice and social change today. We lived through times when homosexuality and gender variance were defined first as crimes and then mental disorders. We started in the closet, hiding for fear of losing jobs, family, and friends. When we came out, we were often subjected to rejection, discrimination, bullying, and violence. Our histories and herstories as activists, artists, and writers reflect our lifelong struggles for dignity and human rights.
A theme running throughout this book is how to build and maintain a queer writing, activist group that will give your voice space and support. Here’s your chance to consider joining the telling of queer stories and the sharing of queer history as well as to enjoy ours. By sharing our experiences, we can help future generations of LGBTQA2S+ people achieve and maintain our rightful place in society.
Purchase e-book or paperback at www.lulu.com/shop
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Danny Ramadan, author of The Clothesline Swing and Salma the Syrian Chef says:
“A magical thing happens every time marginalized voices come together to create words. QUIRK-E is such a gathering. It brings the voices of elder LGBTQ+ folks to the forefront and allows them to be heard loud and clear. There is wisdom and love and knowledge to be shared in the work QUIRK-E folks do.”
Bill Richardson, writer and broadcaster says:
“Vibrant, intelligent, joyful, defiant, tender, funny, surprising and diverse: there’s so much to enjoy in the harmonic clamor of these elders’ voices; in these stories of queer lives richly lived, and still evolving. I was moved and inspired to read them.”
Dr. Jen Marchbank, Professor in Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies, Simon Fraser University, and Co-founder f the LGBTQ2SIA+ activist group, Youth 4 A Change says:
“Together We Stand: Queer Elders Speak Out is a unique and amazing book by members of QUIRK-E that provides details of how the group organizes and works with original writing in prose, poetry, graphic novel, and playwriting. I laughed, I cried more than once, and I am in awe of the histories of LGBTQ2SIA+ activism recorded here for posterity. This is a book about art and activism, it IS both art and activism. Treasure these words from our queer elders.”
Gloria M. Gutman, PhD, FCAHS, LLD (Hon.), OBC, Professor, Director Emerita, Department of Gerontology, Gerontology Research Centre, Simon Fraser University Vancouver Campus says:
“The memoirs are so compelling I started out with the intention of skimming and ended up reading every one. Those in the first section will resonate with anyone who remembers being singled out by a teacher or bullied by classmates because she-he was different.”