Books and films we want to share with you!

Writing an Identity Not Your Own
Writing an Identity Not Your Own, by Alex Temblador, is an extremely helpful book for creative writers who wish to ...

Book Review: Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain has particular significance for me because my Scottish mother lived through the entire Second World War ...

Movie Review: Paragraph 175
This very touching documentary consists of interviews of six gay men and one lesbian who survived the Nazi regime. They somehow ...

book review: recovering spirits
Recovering Spirits Volume II. A beautifully designed chapbook compiled by Jill Mandrake. The stories explore the coincidental yet supernatural experience ...

Book Review: Hijab Butch Blues – a Memoir
This moving and intimate memoir, in essays which range from the author’s childhood to their residency in the United States for ...

book review: white benevolence: racism and colonial violence in the helping professions
Edited by Amanda Gebhard, Sheila Mclean, and Verna St. Denis. Fernwood Publishing: Winnipeg, 2022. This penetrating look into racism in ...

Book Review: The Prophets by Robert Jones, Jr.
For several years I have been following a blogger who calls himself Son of Baldwin. I was instantly drawn to ...

Book Review: Front Line Nursing Stories: An Anthology from the 1940s to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Anyone considering a career in nursing and who wants to learn what the job is really like should read this ...

Book Review: Rez Dog Blues & The Haiku: A Savage Life in Bits and Pieces
William George Lindsay’s novel was the winner of Best Indie Book Award for Native American Fiction in 2023 and finalist ...