
Writing sub-category

Memories, Dreams, Fears and Hopes – 2024


Quirk-e collected pieces from our members and our community that give voice to the hopes and dreams and some of ...

Shining a Light on Rainbow Life – 2023


This zine spotlights what is relevant to us, past or present, through the written word and evocative images. The writing ...

Pride and Joy 2023


Joy in our rainbow lives and the importance of the Pride Movement inspired this edition. There is creative writing,  historic ...

We’re Queer and We’re Still Here! Aging With Pride and Still Speaking Up – 2022


In this Zine the issues that matter prompted pieces on Climate Change, war, pride, elder abuse but also allowed for ...

Fighting Racism from a Queer Perspective – 2021


Being activists and advocates for building a society of equality and justice, we produced this Zine in the wake of ...

Queering COVID – 2020


This edition contains 21 pieces by Quirk-e members and few other pieces by guest contributors from our community. It encapsulates ...

This Patch of Grass on Which I Stand – 2018


This Zine was produced by the Memoir Group and features 9 pieces by 8 quirk-es. There are memories of lovers, ...