All forms of visual arts by members of QUIRK-E including video, photography, illustration, painting, drawing, graphic stories, mixed media, etc.
Awareness of elder abuse – 2016
Quirk-e helped develop a series of posters and public service videos to raise awareness about abuse of LGBTQ2S+ elders. We ...
Each Card Is a Kiss
Cyndia Cole creates beautiful cards and envelopes from old calendars and craft supplies. They support the work of Quirk-e by serving as personalized "thank you" notes to supporters and sponsors.
Telling her stories through images
Judy Fletcher writes wonderful prose but she also tells her stories through her artwork. She has produced images in several different media including collage, cartoons, and photographs. She is an accomplished painter and has designed two of Quirk-e's book covers.
Book cover designs
Some of the imaging work of Quirk-e involves book cover designs. Several covers were designed by Quirk-e members. Some have been collaboration with publishers and designers.